Misha Kudrin live music SPb

Misha Kudrin live music SPb
Rating: 61
Телефон и email
Kudrin Mikhail Aleksandrovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
for 1 hour of performance
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Courier Music is a project of St. Petersburg musician and theater and film actor Mikhail Kudrin.
Live cover music with guitar with bright vocals and cozy flavor.
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English songs

The Beatles - Yesterday
Sia - Chandelier
The Baseballs - Umbrella
Led Zeppelin -Stairway to heaven
Louis Armstrong - Wonderful world
The Who - Behind Blue Eyes
The Rolling Stones - Angie
Nina Simon -Feeling good
a-ha - Take on me
Frank Sinatra - Fly me to the moon
Glover Washington Jr. - Just a two of us
Gotye - Somebody that I used to know
Scorpions - Still loving you
Hozier - Take me to church
Luciano Pavarotti - O sole MiO
The Coldplay - The Scientist
RHCP - Can't stop
RHCP - Snow
R Kelly - I believe I can fly
The Radiohead - No surprises
Elton John - Sorry Seems
X Ambassadors - Unsteady
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah

Russian songs

Nikolay Noskov - This is great
Nikolay Noskov - Snow
Uma2rman - Pour it for me
5nizza - Neva
5nizza - Spring
Alexander Rosenbaum - Au
VIA Prospekt Prosveshcheniya - Bossa Nova
Alexander Sklyar - In the Cape Town port
DDT - Blizzard
DDT - That's all
Basta - Samsara
Muslim Magomaev - Evening at the roadstead
Grigory Leps - A glass of vodka
Grigory Leps - I'm happy
Alexey Chumakov - The sky is in your eyes
Leonid Utesov - Moscow windows
Leonid Agutin - Ole Ole
Leonid Agutin - Hop hey lalaley
Maxim Fadeev - Dancing on glass

And others!
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Stage space
not less than 4 sq.m.
Acoustics of at least 500 W.
2 sockets at a distance of 1 meter.
Bar table and bar stool.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/mikhail-kudrin

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