"LuxeBeat" Cover Band

"LuxeBeat" Cover Band
Rating: 161
Телефон и email
Ivchenko Daniil Denisovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: от 50.000 руб.
The cost of a turnkey performance (sound, equipment, delivery, etc.) depends on the distance to the location and the duration of the performance. All details are discussed individually.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Cover band "LuxeBeat" for your event!

Corporate parties, weddings, anniversaries, New Year, graduation parties, forums and summits, presentations, opening of new establishments - we can handle any task!

We create a unique atmosphere, adapt to the format of the event and work with the audience.
Our repertoire includes MORE than 100 foreign and domestic dance hits (from the nostalgic 80s to the latest). The most driving musical masterpieces of all time (from immortal rock classics to modern pop hits). We can adjust the program based on your preferences and the theme of the event. Completely live sound! Professional musicians!

Our vocalist is a semi-finalist of the international festival “Big Stage” in the “Vocal” category🔝✅

❗️Our cover band has different lineup options, so you can always choose the appropriate option just for your holiday! All options have different prices.❗️

🔴Full lineup of 6 people - vocals (male + female), guitar, drums, bass guitar, keyboards/sax.

🔴Composition: 5 people - vocals (male + female), guitar, drums, bass guitar/sax.

🔴Composition: 4 people - vocals (female or male - to choose from), guitar, bass guitar, drums.

The group can also perform as a duet or trio. This option has a different cost (you can find out more from the group manager).

🕒PERFORMANCE TIME - 90 minutes, which can be divided into 3 blocks of 30 minutes / 2 blocks of 45 minutes. Or we are ready to consider your special timing requests so that the group’s performance fits better into your event.

🎸HOW WE WORK - All our musicians are professionals, they not only play music, but also conduct interactions with guests. We will perform a cool song live for you for your first wedding dance, and we can also sing your favorite composition with you.

🎩SUITS - Several options for costumes designed by the stylist. We can also consider your suggestions depending on the dress code of your event.

📃REPERTOIRE - The team’s repertoire includes more than 100 compositions that are agreed upon with you and you will hear only your favorite compositions, selected in detail for your event.

🎤EQUIPMENT - There is a possibility of technical sound support for the site on a turnkey basis.

📄AGREEMENT - We work under an individual entrepreneur agreement, cash and non-cash payments.

🎁BONUS - Welcome Lounge performed by a group to welcome guests.

🔐BOOKING - In order to book an event, you need to make a 50% prepayment, the rest on the day of the event.
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Our repertoire includes MORE THAN 100 foreign and domestic dance hits (from nostalgic 80s to the latest). The most driving musical masterpieces of all time (from immortal rock classics to modern pop hits). We can adjust the program based on your preferences and the theme of the event. The exact repertoire is specified by the group manager.
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The rider is discussed personally with the group manager.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/luxebeat-kaver-gruppa

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