Lady Furshet

Lady Furshet
Rating: 163
Телефон и email
Shou-Balet LIKASTA
To get a discount 10% say promo code
Cost of services
Average budget: 6000
6.000 - первый час 4.000 - за каждый последующий
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


"Live" table is an excellent solution for meeting guests and creating a festive atmosphere at any type of event: presentation, opening, PR-action, exhibition, ceremony, birthday, corporate party. Here you can order a lady buffet / live table in Moscow.
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Lady Furshet
"Live" table is an excellent solution for meeting guests and creating a festive atmosphere at any type of event: presentation, opening, PR-action, exhibition, ceremony, birthday, corporate party. Here you can order a lady buffet / live table in Moscow. read more..

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