Fort Boyard Quest Show

Fort Boyard Quest Show
Rating: 43
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Cost of services
Average budget: 2000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We create bright and unforgettable holidays for children and adults, turn each event into a unique and joyful event. We provide high-quality services, take care of the comfort and safety of the participants, making them happier.
We are constantly developing, we are the leading and preferred choice in the organization of holidays.

Activiti organizes events for children and adults on stylized grounds of 250-450 square meters: birthdays, school holidays and corporate events, we also have an off-site holiday format.
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Activiti is a network of children's show parks across the country, we organize turnkey children's and adult events!

It is interesting for both children and adults!
We hold:
- children's (6+) birthdays
- adult birthdays
- Class games
- Graduation (elementary, middle and high schools)
- corporate parties and team building

Why are we being chosen:
1. Extensive experience in holding events of various formats;
2. We provide high-quality services (the average rating of reviews is 4.9);
3. Availability of special equipment and professional equipment;
4. We instill moral values in the format of a game show;
5. We develop an interest in live communication and teamwork skills;

Different scenarios allow us to make our holidays memorable:
Fort Boyard is a project based on the world TV show.
Challenges, mazes, boxes, locks, game dimensional stations, a huge vault with gold.
Bright active Fort Boyard is one of the few games in an expanded format, combining the inte
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