Cosplayers for event

Cosplayers for event
Rating: 53
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: 12000
12,000 rubles - the price for 4 hours of cosplayer's work at the event. Every next hour + 3000 rubles.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


5 important reasons to order cosplayers for the event:

1. Increasing attraction: cosplayers gather a large number of people to the event, as they have an interest in participating in events.

2. Creating an Atmosphere: Cosplayers create an event that matches the theme and mood of the event. They can decorate themselves where the events take place and add colorful activities.

3. Improved Photos: Cosplayers see interesting and spectacular spectacles that become the subjects of photography and video recording on the spectacle. It may seem that photos and videos will be more interesting and spectacular.

4. Increase in sales and monetization. Cosplayers can help increase sales at an event. They may be involved in promoting products or services related to the theme of the event. United Nations cosplayers as models or brand ambassadors, which can increase sales and company or brand awareness. This may also lead to additional monetization of the event through partner conferences and sponsorship contracts.

5. Advertisement of the customer's brand. Inviting a cosplayer to an event can be a great promotional opportunity for a customer. Cosplayers have their own audience of thousands on social networks, which they can advertise the client's products or services. Cosplayers can make posts on their social networks that mention the customer's brand, be photographed in costumes created specifically to promote the customer's product or service. In addition, at the meeting, the cosplayer can meet with visitors, share experiences and impressions of the customer's products or services, thereby creating a more positive brand image among customers.
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- photo with guests
- meeting with guests
- creating a thematic atmosphere
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Dressing room, water.
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Cosplay Promo cosplayers at the opening event of a computer club in Moscow

Video with our cosplay models at the opening of the CyberX computer club at Moscow, Altufevskoe shosse 72.
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