Cover band ZHIGULI

Cover band ZHIGULI
Rating: 73
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Kalinovskiy Evgeniy Vladimirovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
3 exits of 20 min or 2 exits of 30 min
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Cover band ZHIGULI are simple guys with an immense Russian soul!🇷🇺

If you need:
😎 the most charismatic musicians at your holiday, wedding, corporate party,
🤘 party in the style of "Russian Rock",
💃 unrestrained dancing and fun to the loudest hits of the 90s and 00s,
then this is definitely the place for you!

The musicians from the ZHIGULI cover band are artists with extensive experience and history😉:

Evgeny Kalinovsky

Georgy Leonov

We go to weddings, corporate events, divorces, showdowns...

Have you seen the movie Gorko? No? We will show you in reality!
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Disco 90s 00s, Russian rock 90s 00s. Only the best hits!
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Cover band ZHIGULI

The performance experience of the artists from the ZHIGULI cover band includes concerts of various levels: performances with musicians from Russian pop stars, performances with their own original work, performances as part of cover groups.

Cover band ZHIGULI - live music for wedding musicians for corporate events Stavropol

If you need the most charismatic musicians for your holiday, who can light up any company, then call us and order a cover band ZHIGULI!!
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