
Rating: 69
Телефон и email
Turkin Aleksandr Borisovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 30 000
Three 45-minute sections .The program is divided into sets. Three sets of 45 minutes . This is the standard timing, which is most often used, but we are always happy to go to your meeting and adjust to the direction of the event
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We offer you high-quality, rhythmic, dance music. This immediately recognizable songs of different styles and times.100% live sound!!! Cover band Aeroplane will play you dance hits 70-90-ies, starting with disco and rock and roll and ending with songs of Soviet and modern pop. Only live sound and live drive for you.
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Retro, rock and roll, disco, domestic and foreign rock.Preparation of songs outside our repertoire-only at Your request.Performance of the song from the stage with the band.The program is divided into sets. Three sets of 45 minutes.This is the standard timing, which is most often used, but we are always happy to go to your meeting and adjust to the direction of the event.
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Location for five musicians with a drum kit.Availability of sound equipment.Also, if necessary, we can provide sound equipment.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/kaver-gruppa-aeroplan

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