Cover band The Party!
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"The Party!" is a stylish cover band of like-minded musicians who are in love with their work. Every time we perform the way we would like to be performed for us. Our strengths are powerful delivery, original arrangements and high-quality performance.
Over the years of the band's existence, we have developed our own style in arrangements and repertoire. If you invite "The Party!" for your party, you can be sure that it will be remembered by everyone for a long time - from our side it will be a real concert, not a musical accompaniment!
We have also released seven releases - three albums and four singles with original cover versions of our favorite tracks, which we regularly perform at concerts. They are available on any streaming platform.
Over the years of the band's existence, we have developed our own style in arrangements and repertoire. If you invite "The Party!" for your party, you can be sure that it will be remembered by everyone for a long time - from our side it will be a real concert, not a musical accompaniment!
We have also released seven releases - three albums and four singles with original cover versions of our favorite tracks, which we regularly perform at concerts. They are available on any streaming platform.
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Over the 8 years of the band's existence, we have developed our own style in arrangements and repertoire. We focus on foreign pop and rock, but there are also plenty of Russian super hits for fans of "ours". If you invite "The Party!" for your party, you can be sure that it will be remembered by everyone for a long time - from our side it will be a real concert, not a musical accompaniment.
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The Party! - Believe (Cher)
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genre: поп
The Party! - Englishman in NY (Sting)
From profile: Cover band The Party!,
genre: поп
The Party! - Sky Full of Stars (Coldplay)
From profile: Cover band The Party!,
genre: поп
The Party! - Blinding Lights (Weeknd)
From profile: Cover band The Party!,
genre: поп
The Party! - New York (Frank Sinatra)
From profile: Cover band The Party!,
genre: поп
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