Cover band Dollars Band

Cover band Dollars Band
Rating: 69
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Zakolyukin Nikita
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Cost of services
Average budget: 180000-200000
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A subtle understanding of the audience and maximum impact on the stage — our adrenaline, our philosophy, our DNA!

We are a cover band of DOLLARS BAND

Each member of our team is an incredible accumulation of talent multiplied by colossal work and endless love
for their work, and our main cherry on the cake, a participant in many TV projects and the owner of a unique voice, Eleanor-will not leave you indifferent.

Each of our performances is an incredible exchange of energy, dizzying drive and truly powerful emotions that will become something more than just live music on stage for you.

Each of our listeners is a part of an interactive show, without which it is difficult to imagine the performance of the cover band DOLLARS BAND. Become a participant in this performance of music and happiness, the memories of which will remain forever in your memory and in the hearts of your guests.

* Optimal number of musicians on stage for comfortable placement of the band on any venue

* Interactive elements in the program will rock guests with different musical tastes

* Up-to-date repertoire and world hits

* Trendy images in harmony with the holiday atmosphere

* Absolute mobility of musicians without reference to geography

When ordering a group, we fully undertake the solution of all technical tasks on the site and provide professional sound equipment for your entire event from the beginning to the end, where all participants of the show programs will be able to work out. (Host, DJ, etc)
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Cover band Dollars Band

Dollars band is more than a cover band! Each member of our team is incredibly talented, as an Artist and a great professional in his field! A group that does a tremendous job in the hall with the audience and will not leave anyone indifferent! A subtle understanding of the audience and maximum return on stage is our adrenaline, our philosophy, our DNA! We are a cover band DOLLARS BAND - a tea...

Cover band Dollars Band

Dollars band is more than a cover band! Each member of our team is incredibly talented, as an Artist and a great professional in his field! A group that does a tremendous job in the hall with the audience and will not leave anyone indifferent! A subtle understanding of the audience and maximum return on stage is our adrenaline, our philosophy, our DNA! We are a cover band DOLLARS BAND - a tea...
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