Harpist Мария Kulakova

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Kulakova Mariya
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Maria Kulakova (Moscow, Russia) – professional harpist, winner of international competitions, teacher.
Graduated from P.I.Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatoire.
Winner of “Marettimo Jazz Festival 2015” , (as a part of duo “Harp & Jazz”) Sicilia, Italy
Winner of the III Moscow Festival – “Russian Harp Art” competition
Winner of the Open International Festival – “Teacher and Student” competition.
Award winner of the International Festival – V. Dulova competition.
Participated in tours to New Jarsey ,Parsippany (USA . 2019 )
Washington DC (USA, 2019)
New Orleans (USA) “New Orleans Jazz and Pop Harps weekends”(2016),
to Sicilia (Italy) “Marettimo Jazz Festival” as a part of duo “Harp & Jazz”(2015),
to Lublin (Poland) as a part of harpist band.
Solo performance in Astana, Kazakhstan (2016)
Master-class at Kazakh National University of Arts ( Astana, Kazakhstan 2016)
Participated in the festive ceremony of presentation of Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic committees’ chairmen to RF President V.V.Putin, within the “Espressivo” harpist trio.
Many years’ experience of performing in hotels Ritz – Carlton Moscow, WOW Kremlin Palace Antalya ( Turkey), Moscow Marriott Grand Hotel, Four Seasons Moscow Hotel.
M.M.Ippolitov-Ivanov State Music and Pedagogical Institute (Assistant Professor L.V.Podgornaya).
Postgraduate studies at P.I.Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatoire (Prof. I.P.Pashinskaya’s class).
Graduated from P.I.Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatoire.
Winner of “Marettimo Jazz Festival 2015” , (as a part of duo “Harp & Jazz”) Sicilia, Italy
Winner of the III Moscow Festival – “Russian Harp Art” competition
Winner of the Open International Festival – “Teacher and Student” competition.
Award winner of the International Festival – V. Dulova competition.
Participated in tours to New Jarsey ,Parsippany (USA . 2019 )
Washington DC (USA, 2019)
New Orleans (USA) “New Orleans Jazz and Pop Harps weekends”(2016),
to Sicilia (Italy) “Marettimo Jazz Festival” as a part of duo “Harp & Jazz”(2015),
to Lublin (Poland) as a part of harpist band.
Solo performance in Astana, Kazakhstan (2016)
Master-class at Kazakh National University of Arts ( Astana, Kazakhstan 2016)
Participated in the festive ceremony of presentation of Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Olympic committees’ chairmen to RF President V.V.Putin, within the “Espressivo” harpist trio.
Many years’ experience of performing in hotels Ritz – Carlton Moscow, WOW Kremlin Palace Antalya ( Turkey), Moscow Marriott Grand Hotel, Four Seasons Moscow Hotel.
M.M.Ippolitov-Ivanov State Music and Pedagogical Institute (Assistant Professor L.V.Podgornaya).
Postgraduate studies at P.I.Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatoire (Prof. I.P.Pashinskaya’s class).
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Repertoire :
Romeo and Juliet (N. Rota)
Chariots of fire (Vangelis)
Unchained melody (The Goust)
Moon river (G. Manchini)
Love story (F. Ley)
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps… (Mari Wilson)
Falling in love (E. Presly)
Love me tender (E. Presly)
Always on my mind (E. Presly)
Ebb tide (Ritherous brothers)
Endless love (L. Richy)
Feelings (M. Albert)
El condor pasa (Simon & Garfunkel)
The last walz (Engelbert Humperdinck)
Р. Паулс Melody (из к/ф «Театр»)
Time to say goodbye ( A. Bochelli)
Hijo De La Luna (Mecano)
I Don't Know How To Love Him (Jesus Christ Superstar)
La Paloma (Yradier)
All I ask of you ( A. Lloyd Webber)
Ballade pour Adeline (Paule de Senneville)
When you tell me that you love me ( D. Ross)
Hallelujah (L. Cohen)
Concerning Hobbits (H. Shore)
The Nightigale ( D. Henson – Conant)
Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick
Animals - House Of The Rising Sun
Blue Bossa ( K. Dorhan)
A Child is Born (T. Jones)
Misty (E. Garner)
The autumn leaves (J. Kosma)
Shadow of your smile ( J. Mandel)
Delilah (V. Yonng)
Crystal Silence ( Chick Corea)
Senor Blues (Horace Silver)
Estate (B. Martino)
Irish and scottish traditional music
Capitan Kane (T. O” Carolan)
Skye boat song
Solstice Reel (G. Robson)
Gwylan (G. Robson)
A fig for a kiss
The princess royal (T. O” Carolan)
The town I loved so well
The flight of the earls
Sweeper”s Tune
Romeo and Juliet (N. Rota)
Chariots of fire (Vangelis)
Unchained melody (The Goust)
Moon river (G. Manchini)
Love story (F. Ley)
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps… (Mari Wilson)
Falling in love (E. Presly)
Love me tender (E. Presly)
Always on my mind (E. Presly)
Ebb tide (Ritherous brothers)
Endless love (L. Richy)
Feelings (M. Albert)
El condor pasa (Simon & Garfunkel)
The last walz (Engelbert Humperdinck)
Р. Паулс Melody (из к/ф «Театр»)
Time to say goodbye ( A. Bochelli)
Hijo De La Luna (Mecano)
I Don't Know How To Love Him (Jesus Christ Superstar)
La Paloma (Yradier)
All I ask of you ( A. Lloyd Webber)
Ballade pour Adeline (Paule de Senneville)
When you tell me that you love me ( D. Ross)
Hallelujah (L. Cohen)
Concerning Hobbits (H. Shore)
The Nightigale ( D. Henson – Conant)
Dire Straits - Your Latest Trick
Animals - House Of The Rising Sun
Blue Bossa ( K. Dorhan)
A Child is Born (T. Jones)
Misty (E. Garner)
The autumn leaves (J. Kosma)
Shadow of your smile ( J. Mandel)
Delilah (V. Yonng)
Crystal Silence ( Chick Corea)
Senor Blues (Horace Silver)
Estate (B. Martino)
Irish and scottish traditional music
Capitan Kane (T. O” Carolan)
Skye boat song
Solstice Reel (G. Robson)
Gwylan (G. Robson)
A fig for a kiss
The princess royal (T. O” Carolan)
The town I loved so well
The flight of the earls
Sweeper”s Tune
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/ivdm2000
News and announcements
06.09.2017 02:29
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