Rating: 69
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Sulaymanov Chyngyz Kurmanbekovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 40000-60000
We perform in two music formats of your choice! A group of 4 people which includes: Vox, rocking drummer, sentimental guitarist and professional keyboard player! We recharge the energy of dance hits of the 90's and turn any event into an actionable and memorable event! The duration of the performance is from 40-80 minutes. And we also perform as a part of a big band of 8 people, which includes: Vox, drummer, guitarist, bassist, keyboard player, trombone, trumpet, viola saxophone and tenor saxophone create a fantastic atmosphere of celebration and magic! Behind our shoulders several years of fruitful work and performances at the sites of various levels - from the wedding banquet to the World Cup FIFA-2018! Duration of performance from 40-80 minutes. For more details, please visit our website at
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


"Stevia" band - a music band with the best dance hits!
For over 7 years we have been offering our clients music accompaniment at weddings, corporate events, private parties and festivals. During this time we have learned to subtly feel our audience and prepare a performance just for your guests!
We recharge the energy and turn any event into a movable and memorable event!
We work on events of any scale - from weddings to the All-Russian Beauty and Talent Contest "The Beauty of Students of Russia", from FIFA Fan Fest locations to parties in the hippie style!

We are loved by foreign guests - from volunteers from around the world to guests from the International Forums!
We work on events of any scale - from weddings to the All-Russian Beauty and Talent Contest "The Beauty of Students of Russia", from FIFA Fan Fest locations to parties in the hippie style!
We are loved by foreign guests - from volunteers from around the world to guests from international forums!

For more details, please visit our website at
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Scotter - I’ve was made for lovin’ you baby
Mr. President - Coco jambo
Мумий Тролль - Невеста
I like to move it (Madagascar ost)
Hi-fi - Про лето
Отпетые мошенники - Люби меня люби
London Beat - I’ve been thinking about you
The Beloved - Sweet harmony
Шура - Отшумели летние дожди
Шура - Ты не верь слезам
Билан - Держи
Eagle-eye cherry - Save tonight
Earphones - Primetime sexcrime
Руки вверх - Танцуй без меня
Calvin Harris - I found you
Руки вверх - 18 мне уже
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Yves Larock - Rise up
The Subways - Rock’n’roll queen
Blur - song2
Hi-fi – Седьмой лепесток
Corona - The rhythm of the night
Mojo – Lady
Plazma – Take my love
Haddaway – What is love
Accent - Kylie
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Stevia – Promo 2020

Промо- клип группы STEVIA (2020) Посмотрите наше видео, чтобы по достоинству оценить результат наших стараний! О всех акциях и предложениях Вы можете подробно почитать на нашем сайте
Stevia - Stevia – Promo 2020
From profile: STEVIA band, genre: танцевальная
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