Magician Maxim Kretov (Moscow)

Magician Maxim Kretov (Moscow)
Rating: 75
4 7 -10%
Телефон и email
Kretov Maksim
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Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
The cost of a 30-60 minute performance at your event.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Maxim Kretov offers a show of modern tricks and illusions that blurs the line between fiction and reality. Treat yourself and your guests to surprise and delight. A pleasant, charming, and smiling magician will present modern tricks and magic tricks, allowing the fairy tale to become a reality.

I have a program with two blocks.
The first block is micromagic, tricks shown for groups of people, usually before the start of the event, or during a break, using coins, cards, objects of the audience, that is, at arm's length. Helps set a fun and relaxed mood for the event. By duration 30 minutes.
The second block is a stage performance, using music, a microphone. The performance is interactive and the audience from the hall participates in it, there is a number for the newlyweds and the bride. Tricks that are shown, mind reading, levitation of objects and modern illusions. Duration 25-30 minutes.
And there is also an additional number "Levitation of the Bride", when the bride (witness, guest) soars in front of the audience, hovering in the air.)
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The cost of the entire program with the illusion is 45,000 (65 minutes, two blocks of 30 minutes each with a break)
The whole program without illusion (stage block + micromagic) - 40,000 r (60 minutes, two blocks of 30 minutes each with a break)
Stage program + illusion - 35 000 r (35 minutes)
Stage block separately - 30 000 r (30 minutes)
Micromagic - 20 000 r (30-60 minutes)
Exclusive performance "Spectator's Flight" - a spectator from the audience hangs in the air in front of everyone!
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Magician at a wedding in Moscow - Maxim Kretov

Magician at the wedding Moscow - A fragment of the speech at the wedding of Natalia and Kirill. ☎ Book a show: +79110274767 ➡ Subscribe: Instagram: Vkontakte: Magician for a wedding Moscow, Magician for a wedding, magician for a holiday, magician Moscow

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