Fire show " Let It LIght "

Fire show " Let It LIght "
Rating: 43
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Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
The standard price for 3 artists and a show lasting 10 minutes is indicated. Without additional special effects and without pyrotechnics, and coals.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We- Let It Light- a team of professionals in the genre of fire and light show
we are fans of our business, constantly evolving to give you a spectacular and vivid show
we will make your holiday truly unique and unforgettable
we will help to surprise you with a birthday, a fiery declaration of love, a romantic end to a wedding or a driving prom
we guarantee everything will be a gun, fire :)
We have been creating the show since 2013.
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Our promo video:
Promo 2:

Also in our arsenal is the number "UGLISHOU" (Sparkle poi show)
Not all fire show groups can offer you such a highlight, because this is truly a unique and spectacular show formed by many coals floating in the air, you should see it live !:
It is impossible with fire is not a disaster. Especially for enclosed spaces in our arsenal is a light show and light animation.
Photo and video link:
Have a question, please call, and we will be happy to discuss with you all your questions.
An individual approach to all clients, it is possible to create a program according to your wishes:
Order a show from 5000 rubles!
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Our experts carefully monitor the safety procedures - we guarantee that our show is safe for the audience, provided that the venue is properly organized, namely the minimum size is 4 by 6 meters.
All transfer costs are paid.
Meals before the show - full dinner and water.
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