Cover Duet "EMOTION"

Cover Duet "EMOTION"
Rating: 45
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: 40000
The budget consists of a pure performance of the artists. 3 blocks of 30 minutes each. The minimum price for the performance of the band with its instrument is indicated without additional services (technical, household rider, logistics, transfer, accommodation)
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The cover duet "EMOTION"
Male and female vocals, violin and keys
Ilya Makeychik is an artist with powerful vocals and mesmerizing violin playing, a blogger, more than 80 thousand subscribers.
Kristina AYA is an artist with gentle and at the same time strong vocals, a resident of the Tavrida Art Cluster, as well as a participant in various TV shows.
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More than 100 songs in the repertoire list. The repertoire is sent on request.
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06.01.2024 11:12 Let's get acquainted

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