Folk russian songs Dubrava Next

Folk russian songs Dubrava Next
Rating: 78.1
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We are the folk ensemble “Dubrava Next” from harsh Chelyabinsk. A young group (6 years old) with its own unusual interpretation of Russian folk song! We love to combine folklore with different musical styles and genres, thereby giving Russian folk songs new facets of sound. We try to convey to the listener, and especially to the young audience, the songs of our ancestors, which contain the whole essence of existence and folk wisdom! During all this time, we have visited different parts and regions of our country and beyond. They became laureates of numerous competitions and festivals, both national and international. We perform folk Cossack songs, acapella and in modern arrangements. We also received the title “Folk Ensemble” for the originality of performance and devotion to Russian traditions.
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News and announcements

04.03.2024 08:47 Modern Russian folk songs in Miass on March 23, 2024 at Prometheus DKiT at 18-00!

Solo concert of the Dubrava Miass folk ensemble poster

We invite everyone to our solo concert, which will take place in the city of Miass on March 23, 2024 at the Prometheus Palace of Culture and Technology at 18:00. Modern Russian folk songs and a great mood! if there are several of you, write to us and we will give you a discount! #miass #miassafisha #miassconcert
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6 2 -15%
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