Dmitriy Yakovlev

Dmitriy Yakovlev
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Dmitry Yakovlev is a Russian singer, author of works: "Music of the stars", "Gentle friend", "When the night falls on the city", "I'm sick of you", "Let's think about us", "Fragments of Stars".

Dmitry has a beautiful timbre of voice, a sense of style, artistry and incredible energy, which he shares with the audience at concerts.

Dmitry Yakovlev's songs are about joy and sadness, about reality and a dream — they are about each of us. Each text is full of meaning, deeply felt and fused into a single whole with beautiful, melodic music. There are no random people at the performances of this artist. Once having heard Dmitry's deep, sensual voice, the audience comes to his concerts again and again.

Dmitry Yakovlev's album "The Best" after its premiere on iTunes hit the largest digital music platforms: Apple Music, Spotify, Yandex.Music and became available in all countries of the world.
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19.01.2022 22:00 Listen to Dmitry Yakovlev's album "The Best" on Yandex.Music
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