Rating: 43
3 -10%
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Vladimir Kuznetsov
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Cost of services
Average budget: 2000
The minimum price per hour. The details are discussed with the customer.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


El Ravi started his career in early 2007. DJ, dancer, music producer originally from Moscow.
A musician who combines experience and performance quality in his performance. It creates not only a light, relaxed atmosphere, but also generates a powerful groove well. The multi-format playlist allows you to customize the atmosphere of any dance floor.

El Ravi sets are filled with an unusual and interesting sound. Always high-quality material and full dedication to your favorite business. Technical performance and unique presentation are combined in the performance. Rich experience of working at events of any complexity.

- Organizer of the dance show of the project " MISTERICA"
- Organizer of " HTF Promo"
- Resident of "Ozaki lable"
- Resident of radio - "Monaco FM", "Barneo FM", " Mini Radio Belgium"
- Teacher at DJ shcooll "FRENDZONA"
- Nomination "Best DJ of the Year 2021" Pemia Legend Awards

A welcome guest and resident of clubs in Moscow and the Moscow region:
LOOKIN ROOMS (Moscow), Pacha (Moscow), Pravda (Moscow), Fantomas Chateau (Moscow), MED bar
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