Denis Varfolomeev

Denis Varfolomeev
Rating: 107
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Kontsertnyy Direktor
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Cost of services
Average budget: 50.000 рублей
The budget is negotiated for each specific event format
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Denis Varfolomeev is one of the brightest artists of the Russian stage. Charisma and charm, attractiveness and beauty, plasticity and incendiary — all these qualities are inherent in a real artist! Free behavior on stage and sociability with the audience-is the highlight that the singer uses every time he goes on stage. He perfectly owns his voice, performing both lyrical soulful, making ripples on the skin of the song, and fun dance hits. Denis's soul is always open to his audience. He gives himself to the public, without a trace, getting used to this or that image. The singer has a bright artistic nature, appearance and a unique sense of humor, which is why Denis differs from his competitors in the field of show business. Throughout the work recorded a considerable number of songs, filmed 6 videos that are rotated on many radio stations and music channels.
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Den Is Superman
For you
The sounds of the orchestra
Only with you
Soldier of fate
Happiness is you
War-damned conductor
Uneasy love
New year
Main miracle
sacred Valentine
The warmth
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Link to this page:

Денис Варфоломеев - Святой Валентин
From profile: Denis Varfolomeev, genre: поп
Денис Варфоломеев - Живое тепло
From profile: Denis Varfolomeev, genre: поп
Денис Варфоломеев - Смс
From profile: Denis Varfolomeev, genre: поп
Денис Варфоломеев - Солдат судьбы
From profile: Denis Varfolomeev, genre: поп
Денис Варфоломеев - Ден - Супермен
From profile: Denis Varfolomeev, genre: поп
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