Cover-Band BIZE

Cover-Band BIZE
Rating: 57
1 7 -10%
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Kaver-gruppa BIZE
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Cost of services
Average budget: 100000
The standard price includes: 1. Speech 2 blocks of 30 min. 2. Soundcheck 3. Drawing up an individual playlist (based on the group's repertoire) 4. Musical arrangement of the FIRST DANCE of the newlyweds
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The brightest cover band in the South of Russia is Bizet!
- Unique light music and dance show!
- More than 5 years of constant work in the Krasnodar Territory and beyond
- More than 600 successful concerts (weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, etc.)
- More than 10 thousand satisfied dancing guests
- The best event organizations of the region work with us!

We do a real show at events of any level and scale:
- Birthdays
- Corporate events
- Weddings
- Live concerts
- City days
- Opening any business
and much more...

If you want the holiday to go according to plan, without disruptions, professionally - entrust your event to US!
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The standard price includes:
1. Speech 2 blocks of 30 min.
2. Soundcheck
3. Drawing up an individual playlist (based on the group's repertoire)
4. Musical arrangement of the FIRST DANCE of the newlyweds
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4 kW of sound is all we need
The sound quality at your event is one of the most important things for us. We can extract maximum quality even from the most unsuitable platforms and "old" speakers. Our almighty sound engineer Sasha (@aleksandr_ivaskov_djsinkler) is responsible for this part.
The minimum required is 3 kW of sound (2 kW for a satellite and 1 kW for a subwoofer), more is welcome.

And if there is none of this?
Then we will bring all the necessary components of the speaker system for an additional fee, or we will offer proven rental companies.
We carry all the other tools ourselves and you shouldn't worry about it.
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