Beer Casino "CRAFT" - tasting game show program

Beer Casino "CRAFT" - tasting game show program
Rating: 47
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Abashev Dima
Cost of services
Average budget: 7500
- COST: 7500 rubles / hour from 2 to 20 people per hour (beer is included in the price) - ESTIMATED COST FOR 10 PEOPLE: 750r. / hour/1 person (craft beer is included in the price) - EXTENSION: possible for an additional fee.
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OFF-SITE BEER CASINO "CRAFT" - tasting game show program 18+
(suitable for both beginners and beer experts, the program is selected individually for you)

- COST: 7500 rubles / hour from 2 to 20 people per hour (beer is included in the price)
- EXTENSION: Extension is possible for an additional fee.
- NUMBER OF PLAYERS: can be from 2 to 20 people per hour.
- TIME OF ONE GAME (one round): 30 min.
- HOW MUCH BEER WILL THERE BE: 5 types of beer, 0.5 liters of beer for 1 person for 1 hour.
- PRIZES: The first 3 places, which will take prizes at the end of one game, are provided with special PRIZES.

SUITABLE FOR WHOM? (there is a lot of experience in conducting events in different formats for different audiences)
- Corporate event of the company for employees
- Wedding (velkom drink or during breaks in the main program)
- Anniversary and birthday
- New Year's Eve, February 23, March 8 (special selection of beer for girls), February 14
- for a theme party or a student graduation party.
- for any of your internal events.
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- At the beginning of the game, players sit on chairs around the playing field and the moderator explains the rules and distributes chips. The beer croupier pours craft beer, and players will have to guess the type of beer, the amount of alcohol %, the color blindly dark or light, and much more. An experienced sommelier will help players make a choice and give hints, and also tell many interesting beer stories.
- Next, participants place bets by placing chips on the playing field. Guess right-the chip doubles or triples. The answer is incorrect - the bet goes to the bank. Try, choose, play. And then, as luck would have it, all or nothing.
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any place you want:
- in the office
- at home
- in nature
- in the bar, cafe and restaurant ( we'll make our own arrangements)

We bring all the inventory with us:
- playing field (there are several options for beginners and pros)
- tasting glasses, water jugs and napkins.
- craft beer for 5 liters for every hour of the game
- game chips
- professional beer sommelier with interesting stories and stories about beer
- and of course, a great mood and excitement.
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News and announcements

03.03.2021 13:57 TASTING, FUN, BEER, BETTING, EXCITEMENT! A great holiday option for companies from 2 to 20 people / hour. Professional beer sommelier, beer stories,...


Type: развлекательное мероприятие
Заказчик заказал в офис Пивное казино на 23 февраля

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