Bartender Show and Mobile Bar «Neprosteckiy BAR»

Bartender Show and Mobile Bar «Neprosteckiy BAR»
Rating: 153
Телефон и email
Cost of services
Average budget: 15000
The cost of the show programme varies from 13000 to 25000 rubles depending on the format of the show, the number of cocktails and transport costs.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


One of the best bartending shows in Moscow by Evgeny Prostetsky
-Champion of Russia 2020 in bartending art
-Winner of the European Championship in 2018
-Author of numerous author's cocktails
-Away bar in any point of Moscow on a turnkey basis
-Huge selection of show programmes
-Pyramid of champagne with dry ice

Ready to come to you on:
Corporate party

Trust only professionals!
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Interactive bartender show with the participation of guests
-First-class flairing
-Virtuoso tricks with bar equipment
-Fun contests with guests
-Masterclasses on cocktail making
-A treat with cocktail punch

Duration of the show programme: 25 minutes
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