Дмитрий Алексеевич Шошин
Телефон и email
Shoshin Dmitriy
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"Шо или Шо"
"Шо или Шо"
Cost of services
Average budget: 12 000 руб.
Шоу-блок длительностью 25-30 минут - 12.000 р.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
They are where the holiday is, they are where the joy is, they are created to make your holiday even brighter. Interactive games, game situations, jokes and dance flash mobs.
The show block lasts from 25 minutes to the full event. Bright, fun, beautiful, always relevant and for any audience!
This day should be FABULOUS! And if so, then the presenter should be unusual, and it's better not one, but a whole farce. Yes, we not only offer show blocks, but we can also act as hosts of your event. Jokes, games, dances, flash mobs and much more with the SHOW BOOTH!
The show block lasts from 25 minutes to the full event. Bright, fun, beautiful, always relevant and for any audience!
This day should be FABULOUS! And if so, then the presenter should be unusual, and it's better not one, but a whole farce. Yes, we not only offer show blocks, but we can also act as hosts of your event. Jokes, games, dances, flash mobs and much more with the SHOW BOOTH!
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Шоу-блок длительностью 25 минут - 12.000 р.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/balagan-sho
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