Atur Gold is a professional singer-musician, participant of television projects

Atur Gold is a professional singer-musician, participant of television projects
Rating: 37
Телефон и email
Mikhaylov Artur Nikolaevich
Cost of services
Average budget: 20000
3-х часовое выступление
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Atur Gold is a professional singer-musician. Participant of television projects, such as:
"Factor A" (Alla Pugacheva),
"The Secret of success” (Konstantin Meladze),
"City of Stars" - finalist of the project,
Empire of Stars Grand Prix Golden Star

The owner of a beautiful, memorable timbre of voice.
Advantages: soulful performance, powerful energy and charisma.

The repertoire includes modern musical compositions in the style of: Soul, Funk, Pop, jazz, Latino.
More than 300 songs.

Performs compositions in different languages: Russian, Spanish, English

He has been on stage for more than 10 years, he feels the audience well. The repertoire is discussed individually for each event. Can perform alone or with a group (live sound).

The fee is discussed individually for each event.
The duration of the performance is from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

If you need any additional information, please write and call!
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The repertoire includes modern musical compositions in the style of: Soul, Funk, Pop, jazz, Latino.
More than 300 songs.
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It is discussed individually for each event.
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