Agenty Smita Cover Band

Телефон и email
Solodovnikov Konstantin
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"мы делаем шоу"
"мы делаем шоу"
Cost of services
Average budget: 75000
Мероприятие под ключ
Шоу 3 сета по 30-35 минут
Аппаратура и сервис
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Musical accompaniment of your holiday, wedding, anniversary, corporate party, party.
We know how to make sure that all the guests are satisfied.
We offer you high-quality live music at the most affordable prices! It's
fun to work, not according to a template, focusing on the audience specifically present and its mood — that's our format. The repertoire of the group is diverse — the most popular hits of our time and incendiary retro compositions will not let you sit still and will not leave you indifferent! Communication with the public and a great mood on your holiday is provided! We do the show together with you
We know how to make sure that all the guests are satisfied.
We offer you high-quality live music at the most affordable prices! It's
fun to work, not according to a template, focusing on the audience specifically present and its mood — that's our format. The repertoire of the group is diverse — the most popular hits of our time and incendiary retro compositions will not let you sit still and will not leave you indifferent! Communication with the public and a great mood on your holiday is provided! We do the show together with you
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News and announcements
22.11.2022 18:21
О гитарах.
Гитара, шестиструнка, в народе есть много названий этого музыкального инструмента, но если копнуть глубже, то на самом деле мир гитар огро...
25.04.2022 19:01
How should a cover band sound, or how to ruin a holiday by saving
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