
Rating: 59
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Cost of services
Average budget: 4200
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Welcome dear guest! My name is Tana and I represent the SOAP BUBBLE SHOW!!!
Magic! tricks and unusual performance will surprise and awaken the magic inside everyone!
The most important thing is that I don't have an age limit!!!!
Children's celebration, wedding, date or concert event, for everyone there is a program!
Bubbles are loved by all categories of people! And this show will always be a winning option!
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- Family-participants and children and adults
duration 1H. composition: number 20min. + interactive (work with guests) 5500r.( summer 2020)

-Children's Playground (up to 12 years old):
duration 1H. composition: Interactive / master class with author's soap bubbles( purchased separately) + soap party. 4500r.(summer 2020)

Adult (wedding, corporate, anniversary, etc.):
duration-30 minutes. composition: number 15min+interactive. 5900r.(summer 2020)

- Author:
we mix together the program structure and create the best option for Your event.
The cost is determined from all the components. From 6000r.

- Unusual gift:
a date, an important date, a special occasion. 4700r.(summer 2020)

- Presentation (in honor of opening Your business):
number 15 minutes. 4200r. (summer 2020)

festivals, concerts, mass events, city events
Conditions are negotiated with the customer.

Individual approach to everyone, quality products and a fully organized set of impressions!!!
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/Tanashow


Magic! tricks and unusual performance will surprise and awaken the magic inside everyone! The most important thing is that I don't have an age limit!!!! Children's celebration, wedding, date or concert event, for everyone there is a program! Bubbles are loved by all categories of people! And this show will always be a winning option!


Magic! tricks and unusual performance will surprise and awaken the magic inside everyone! The most important thing is that I don't have an age limit!!!! Children's celebration, wedding, date or concert event, for everyone there is a program! Bubbles are loved by all categories of people! And this show will always be a winning option!
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