voice / violin

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The phenomenon of musical art is a violinist singer!
,Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.
Alexandra can fulfill any of your musical desires! The repertoire is so diverse that it can combine classical and jazz, to modern pop, rock and bard songs.
,The violin;
The UNIQUE format is a crossover of violin and vocals. BUT not like everyone else, but alternate or simultaneous execution.
— professional violinist and singer,
— participant of the show "The Voice",
— an artist of the A. B. Gradsky Theater.
He has been in the field of events for 8 years. The repertoire includes more than 140 works. Alexandra can also prepare the work individually according to your wishes. There are many nominations, projects and wins in various competitions.
In addition to private events, she performed at venues in St. Petersburg and Moscow:
- Scarlet Sails, Palace Square,
— Oktyabrsky Concert Hall,
— A. B. Gradsky Theater,
— Summer Palace,
— Presidential Residence K2, K5,
— St. Petersburg Channel,
— A2 Green concert,
— Mariinsky Theatre,
— Philharmonic Hall,
— Lakhta Hall (formerly MTS Live Hall, Tinkoff Arena), etc.
Manager: Julia
,Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.
Alexandra can fulfill any of your musical desires! The repertoire is so diverse that it can combine classical and jazz, to modern pop, rock and bard songs.
,The violin;
The UNIQUE format is a crossover of violin and vocals. BUT not like everyone else, but alternate or simultaneous execution.
— professional violinist and singer,
— participant of the show "The Voice",
— an artist of the A. B. Gradsky Theater.
He has been in the field of events for 8 years. The repertoire includes more than 140 works. Alexandra can also prepare the work individually according to your wishes. There are many nominations, projects and wins in various competitions.
In addition to private events, she performed at venues in St. Petersburg and Moscow:
- Scarlet Sails, Palace Square,
— Oktyabrsky Concert Hall,
— A. B. Gradsky Theater,
— Summer Palace,
— Presidential Residence K2, K5,
— St. Petersburg Channel,
— A2 Green concert,
— Mariinsky Theatre,
— Philharmonic Hall,
— Lakhta Hall (formerly MTS Live Hall, Tinkoff Arena), etc.
Manager: Julia
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/Sashaslavgorodskaya
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