Realistic dinosaurs

Realistic dinosaurs
Rating: 45
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Kvint Yuriy Borisovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 10000
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Realistic dinosaurs: Tyrannosaurus Achi and Bucks, Spinosaurus fin, dragon Den, Triceratops Graham. Dinosaurs are participants in quests, children's programs, and special effects shows.

Tyrannosaurus Achi and Buck are the Pride of our designers and animators! Super realistic dinosaur-the hero of every dinosaur movie! You should see it with your own eyes - be sure to watch the video! Despite its large size and bulkiness, our designers have made it as flexible and light as possible. Thanks to this, our Super Rex is able to pass through the door of an ordinary apartment.

Spinosaurus fin-a Distinctive feature of Spinosaurus is its spine, which looks like a "sail". Packed with special effects. Due to its size, it looks very colorful at outdoor performances, even alone!

dragon den Is our favorite of young children. Suitable even for a small holiday. Can work on the stage of an original number and participate in a children's animation program.

I am a dinosaur manufacturer in
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