Real Jam Jazz Band

Real Jam Jazz Band
Rating: 69
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REAL JAM is a unique jazz band from Moscow, Russia. The band consists of three attractive female vocalists and seven talented male musicians inspired by American music of the first part of the XX century. They don’t copy music, but create their own musical arrangements and sing in close harmony, reviving traditions of old jazz.
Each song is a story, each show is a journey to the past where you can hear the roots of jazz, ragtime, New Orleans and Chicago jazz, swing era.

The Real Jam Band is already 11 years old. The band was created by Tatiana Fateeva in 2009. She is a band leader, vocalist and arranger.

The Real Jam is a participant of Moscow Jazz Festival, Usadba Jazz Festival (Moscow), Jazz Voices (Moscow) Jazz in Minsk Festival (Belarus), International Koktebel Jazz Festival (Koktebel, Ukraine), Moscow Saturday Jazz Festival, Jazz Fever Festival (Perm, Russia) and many others.

The band performs in best music clubs and concert halls of Russia. Also there are a lot of TV and radio shows, where it is possible to hear REAL JAM. The band was chosen to perform at Sochi Olympic Games 2014. The band performed in India (Mumbai, Delhi) at the receptions dedicated to the Day of Russia 2014 and 2017 jointly organized by the Russian Centre of Sience and Culture (RCSC) and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in India.
Real Jam Jazz Band performed in St.Regis Legendary Hotel, Moscow Planetarium, Tsaritsino, Kolomenskoe and Petroff palaces.

Musicians had three concerts at Moscow Kremlin.

In 2019 the vocalists got the 1st prize at Gnesin Jazz Vocal Competition.

The band recorded two albums: “10” in 2018 and ‘Winter Wonderland’ in 2019.

The REAL JAM vocalists sing in different languages and their repertoire keeps expanding day by day. Fantastic show, high energy and live sound only – it’s REAL JAM!

Vocals: Tatiana Fateeva, Tatiana Gayvoronskaya, Anna Ivanova

Saxophone: Yuriy Sevastianov
Piano: Alexey Ryabukhin
Guitar / banjo: Vadim Kharchenko
Drums: Eugene Kamkin
Double Bass: Denis Shushkov
Trumpet: Mikhail Brutcheev
Trombone: Anton Gimazetdinov

Team Leader: Tatiana Fateeva
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Серенада Солнечной Долины (репертуар оркестра Гленна Миллера)
Хиты Эллы Фицджеральд
Золотые мелодии Джаза
География джаза (от Нового Орлеана до Бразилии)
Советское ретро (на русском языке)
Джаз под Луной
Великий Гэтсби (хиты 20-х, 30-х годов)
Джаз на Рождество (самые известные рождественские песни)
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