Malina cover band

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Malina cover band
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Cost of services
Average budget: 60 000
We provide the customer with a choice of several service packages (listed and described in detail in our price list). The packages contain different compositions of musicians (from 4 to 6 people), as well as options for acoustic performances. The price is available upon request to each customer.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
This stylish team will fit into any concept of the event! From a business welcome to a crazy party.
With us, your wedding can be tender and romantic, or it can be unusual and driving.
At your holiday, we can not only perform your favorite songs, but also organize a party on any theme.
We will definitely please your guests with a variety of music and sound quality!
With us, your wedding can be tender and romantic, or it can be unusual and driving.
At your holiday, we can not only perform your favorite songs, but also organize a party on any theme.
We will definitely please your guests with a variety of music and sound quality!
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Russian and foreign pop songs (modern, retro, 90s, 00s), rock, funk, lounge.
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We always provide our backline. Frontline is discussed individually for each event. There is also a document with a complete list of required equipment. Sent upon request.
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News and announcements
08.11.2022 01:22
It's time for New Year's corporate parties! We accept orders not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Moscow!
08.11.2022 01:19
For all guests of events with our participation, we have a nice gift!
If you tell us at which event we met, we will play at your event with a pleasan...
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