KRЮКОV cover band

KRЮКОV cover band
Rating: 47
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TT Music Production
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The cover band of the winner of the One-on-One show Pavel Kryukov.
World hits, the author's lounge program, the program in Italian - all this is a Hook band.
For connoisseurs of quality and beauty.

Line-up options:
- 6 musicians (male and female vocals, guitar, bass guitar, drums and keyboards);
- 9 musicians (2 female and male vocals, guitar, bass guitar, drums, keyboards, saxophone).

The program is 90 minutes long, divided into blocks throughout the evening.

On-stage equipment (except the speaker system) is included in the price. We work with our sound engineer.

What else can we do:
full band (additional wind and string instruments), performance at the meeting of guests (welcome), the first wedding dance to live sound, full integration of the group into the event program (beats, background design), writing corporate anthems and author's music to order and much more.
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The cover band of the winner of the show "One in one" Pavel Kryukov. World hits, the author's lounge program, the program in Italian - all this is a Hook band. For connoisseurs of quality and beauty.
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