Rating: 81
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Cost of services
Average budget: 120'000
PERFORMANCE TIME - 90 minutes, which can be divided into 3 blocks of 30 minutes / 2 blocks of 45 minutes. The COST of the performance depends on its duration, the time spent by the musicians on the site, and the city where the event takes place. We travel to any city and any country. Additional transportation costs (flight, train, transfer by car) Cost from 150'000 ₽ for Moscow and Moscow Region - a turnkey group! (transport costs included) New Year's Eve dates from 180'000 ₽ (Moscow and Moscow region)
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Hello everyone, KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND welcomes you!

COVER BAND "KOMPROMISS" is a positive and bright modern musical group!

Holiday, wedding or corporate party? We can make any event bright and memorable, because KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND consists of artists who love their work!
For more than 6 years we have been giving listeners enthusiastic emotions.

Music is a play on the strings of the soul, and the performer sets the mood.

When choosing us, you can be sure, because your excellent mood is our job!

MUSICIANS - male and female vocals, guitar, drums

PERFORMANCE TIME - 90 minutes, which can be divided into 3 blocks of 30 minutes / 2 blocks of 45 minutes.

REPERTOIRE — more than 200 of the hottest hits in the repertoire (only the best foreign and domestic hits)

EQUIPMENT — turnkey technical support of the site — sound/light, etc.

We work under a contract, cashless payments, guarantees

Why choose us?

stunning energy and artistry;
interactive with guests;
bright memorable stage images;
beautiful voices of the vocalists — the secret of unforgettable emotions from the performance of KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND!
Geography of performances: Central Federal District Moscow, Moscow Region, Bryansk, Tver, all of Russia

We will be glad to answer all your questions!❤
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REPERTOIRE - more than 200 of the hottest hits in the repertoire (foreign and domestic, retro and modern compositions, pop-rock, funk)
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We will send a technical and household rider on request.
Payment procedure: 50% of the fee - at the time of signing the rider; the rest of the fee (50%) at the venue of the concert before it starts.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/KOMPROMISS-COVER-BAND

From profile: KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND, genre: поп
From profile: KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND, genre: поп
KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND - Летящей походкой
From profile: KOMPROMISS ★ COVER BAND, genre: поп
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