Rating: 71
Телефон и email
Nokhrina Inna Nikolaevna
Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
The cost per hour of the vocalist's work is indicated. DJ- works for 1500 rubles per hour.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


I offer musical accompaniment for your event ...
the repertoire is negotiated individually. Basically, it's pop music, Russian pop music. We also offer to hold your special event with a DJ and a Presenter-"Turnkey"
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Russian pop music.Negotiated with the customer individually.
The Presenter writes the script individually for each event
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One hour (vocal) costs 5000 rubles.
One hour of DJ work costs 1500 rubles
One hour of the Presenter's work costs 3000 rubles (together with the DJ and equipment)The presenter leaves for at least 4 hours.
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Песня "Я буду твоя"

Песня из репертуара Таисии Повалий.
Нохрина Инна - "Этот мир"
From profile: INNA NOKHRINA, genre: поп
Нохрина Инна - "Спичка" из репертуара К.Орбакайте
From profile: INNA NOKHRINA, genre: поп
Нохрина Инна - песня "Офицеры" Автор.О.Газманов
From profile: INNA NOKHRINA, genre: поп
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