Fire Surprise
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Yalalov Rinat
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Cost of services
Average budget: 7 000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Fiery hearts are perfect for events such as:
- Wedding
- Marriage proposal
- A declaration of love
- Just a surprise for no reason
The heart can be ordered as one large, or two — paired!
Also included with the hearts is a fire track from the bowls and musical accompaniment if required.
Optionally, you can add batteries of fireworks (small, medium and large)
Fiery hearts — this is a great end to the wedding evening!
- Wedding
- Marriage proposal
- A declaration of love
- Just a surprise for no reason
The heart can be ordered as one large, or two — paired!
Also included with the hearts is a fire track from the bowls and musical accompaniment if required.
Optionally, you can add batteries of fireworks (small, medium and large)
Fiery hearts — this is a great end to the wedding evening!
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Огненные сердца - на свадьбу (Fire.Surprise)
Огненное завершение свадебного дня на ограниченном по площади месте.
Огненные сердца - предложение руки и сердца (Fire.Surprise)
Красивое предложение руки и сердца на берегу финского залива.
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