
Rating: 99
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Marshev Dmitriy Eduardovich
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Cost of services
Average budget: 6000
Без комментариев.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We went through 3 circus acts: the acrobatic duo DiaLin, the Equilibrist (solo) and the aerial ring. We just started showing ourselves for 3 years. Kaliningrad, but we really want to show our skills for you.
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The number lasts 5 minutes.
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The ceilings are 4 meters for our performances.
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/DiaLin

Equilibrist on canes

A small piece of my number on canes. With a smile and with a soul for you.

Acrobatic Duo “DiaLin”

Beautiful costumes, hairstyle, tricks, music, smile and we do it all. Acrobatic duet “DiaLin”
Без названия - не известно
From profile: DiaLin, genre: другое
Scorpions - Still loving you
From profile: DiaLin, genre: металл
Bon Jovi - Its my life
From profile: DiaLin, genre: поп
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