Rating: 69
Телефон и email
Novoselov Maksim
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Cost of services
Average budget: 35.000
Prices are calculated individually, based on 30,000 ₽. The cost is influenced by such factors as: the venue, the number of artists involved, the duration of the show programs, the number of disciplines presented, as well as the number of trampolines and other props we provide.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


We are the leading provider of extreme entertainment in Moscow and all over Russia. Our professional athletes and artists present breathtaking performances.
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Custom solutions for events based on your needs and interests.

We can customize our show to suit your needs, requirements and audience.

We often get requests for: bike football, extreme performance for a birthday boy with a ramp, trial, freestyle show flatland (amazing spectacle!)
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Bicycle entertainment experts.
Main riders: Maxim Novoselov and Arnold Walter.
The maximum number of athletes provided by us can reach 40 riders.
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BMX show on the city day of Novomoskovsk


Professional riders will be released as a special separate number in the circus! Touring Russia!


Performances of the Russian BMX team at a show in China, Yunnan Province, Xixian City
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