Alex Greg - exclusive modern violinist

Alex Greg - exclusive modern violinist
Rating: 87
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Alex Greg
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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
Minimal price can be negotiated depends om location and duration of performance
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


My name is Alexey Grigorev. I graduated from The N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint-Petesburg State Conservatory. I’m professional musician, violinist and I am the winner of the international competition «Viva Talent»! I played the violin solo on the big stages in cities such as Paris, Berlin, Saint - Petersburg, Bergen (Norway), Moscow and others. I’m doing exclusive violin solo performance (including classic, pop, rock, romantic songs, dance, dubstep, improvisations with DJ (total more than 200 songs). In my experience more than 300 events
Can learn any repertoire, any music for any purpose.
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Violin cover songs in next genres - rock, pop, house, indie and so on
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Sound mixer 4-6 channels, can be without effects, speakers, 2 power outlets
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