Art is freedom. Whether to agree with this statement or not is a moot point, and every interested person has a formed opinion on this matter. However, one thing is absolutely certain: art is a wonderful way to find yourself. Especially when your state of mind requires it. Our team "t w i n s" has found itself in the shadow theater.
Each of our productions starts with an idea. From what excites and touches the soul, making you feel the most sincere emotions when you come into contact with the shadow theater. The idea, like a light somewhere in the distance, leads the viewer throughout the entire number and helps to see something of his own in it, certain hidden meanings buried in the depths. Therefore, I would like to say that shadow theater is, first of all, about feelings, about honesty and about the soul.
There is no shadow theater without performance techniques. Clear lines, perfect angles, precise poses - all this forms amazing figures, the main means of expression of the shadow. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that behind each number there is a huge work of the whole team, complete dedication and involvement in the process.
Shadow theater is an absolutely non-widespread genre. There are less than a dozen collectives all over Russia that are seriously engaged in this art. Such uncertainty attracts even more, makes you study this case better, improving your skills. Our main goal is to show as many people as possible the art of shadows and its special charm, its value in the world of familiar and ordinary forms of creativity.
Yes, our rehearsals are by no means simple, they require a lot of time and effort. But it's no secret that good results are born only through hard work. The level of training does not matter, the most important thing in our business is desire and motivation! The main thing is the desire to work, develop oneself, learn new things and hone what is available. And then everything will definitely happen as it should!M
31.07.2024 21:43
They tamed the shadow...

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