Russkaya skazka show

Russkaya skazka show
Rating: 87
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Cost of services
Average budget: От 12.000 рублей
The calculation of the cost is individual and depends on the employment at the event, the number of artists, transfer. We will agree on mutually beneficial and pleasant conditions!
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


My name is Alexandra - I am the head of the folk show "Russkaya Skazka".
Our repertoire includes more than 20 dance, 50 vocal, instrumental compositions and authentic numbers. There has never been such a format in the world of show business! Honored artists, winners of international competitions, professionals in their field.
We are ready to discuss cooperation and will be happy to brighten up your event in any city!
Different programs for any request for you!

Our manager Anastasia will gladly answer all your questions - call us! 89652135282
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Cossack program
Gypsy program
Slavic program
military program
Photo sessions with guests
meeting, award
Master classes
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