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Filimonova Istoma Vladimirovna
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Cost of services
Average budget: 25 000
The program is 30 minutes, when ordering 1 hour, the amount of the fee is doubled.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.
Singer Istoma works in a popular genre, European popular music.Her uniqueness - she is inimitable and her hobby she will never let the listener get bored, and even more so the viewer, she is very artistic and can not do without communication."For me, the stage is a life that needs to be lived and not experienced," the singer said. Her work is organically connected with already beloved topics like romance, love affairs, thirst for meetings and experiences, her songs are loved, they make you think, melodies start half a turn, the singer recorded a number of original songs that turned out to be quite interesting and incendiary for the listener. These are songs such as "Languid moon "Love connects" "Pheromones" "Hot dance" "And I like it so much" "Game without rules" Evil Candy" "Dance at the party" "Take my heart" "It's impossible with me" "I'm running to you" "Languor flies to Dubai" The "Five minutes" singer rotates, shoots clips with the participation of pop stars. The premieres of the next video series, on her new compositions, are just around the corner
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Singer Istoma works in the musical style of Euro po, the timing of the program is 1 hour - 12 songs, this is a bright, dynamic, dance program, consists of interactive, and incendiary ironic, original songs, the singer works both solo and with the support of the ballet show.
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Moving in space, transfer.
It can be an airplane or a train, depending on the distance. Within a radius of 500 km, it is permissible to consider moving by train.
Train - necessarily 1 SV, or at least 1 but a full compartment.
The plane has 3 seats.
Moving around the place is a comfortable minibus-type car from a foreign manufacturer, or 1 passenger car with an empty and clean trunk.
Any comfortable hotel from 4 *
1 double de-suite room
The main 3 meals a day are considered on the spot.
Dressing room, restroom.
It is mandatory to have a mirror and comfortable conditions.
In the dressing room there should be fruits, a mini buffet, mineral water with or without gas, paper napkins, towels.
Provide security for the period of stay on the territory of the concert venue, as well as escort from the dressing rooms to the stage and from the stage to the dressing rooms.
About subordination.
For media and other organizational issues, contact the producer directly
It can be an airplane or a train, depending on the distance. Within a radius of 500 km, it is permissible to consider moving by train.
Train - necessarily 1 SV, or at least 1 but a full compartment.
The plane has 3 seats.
Moving around the place is a comfortable minibus-type car from a foreign manufacturer, or 1 passenger car with an empty and clean trunk.
Any comfortable hotel from 4 *
1 double de-suite room
The main 3 meals a day are considered on the spot.
Dressing room, restroom.
It is mandatory to have a mirror and comfortable conditions.
In the dressing room there should be fruits, a mini buffet, mineral water with or without gas, paper napkins, towels.
Provide security for the period of stay on the territory of the concert venue, as well as escort from the dressing rooms to the stage and from the stage to the dressing rooms.
About subordination.
For media and other organizational issues, contact the producer directly
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Link to this page:
Певица Истома - Я БЕГУ К ТЕБЕ
From profile: SINGER - ISTOMA,
genre: поп
Певица Истома - PHEROMONES
From profile: SINGER - ISTOMA,
genre: поп
Певица Истома - тАНЦУЙ НА PARTY
From profile: SINGER - ISTOMA,
genre: поп
Певица Истома - ЗЛАЯ КОНФЕТА
From profile: SINGER - ISTOMA,
genre: поп
Певица Истома - Раненая я - Певица Истома
From profile: SINGER - ISTOMA,
genre: поп
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