Singer and showman ArtemoWitch

Singer and showman ArtemoWitch
Rating: 83
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Singer ArtemoWitch is a young, ambitious Russian singer, musician, composer, poet, beat boxer and a man whose gentlemanly manners and boundless charm have charmed thousands of girls and girls all over the country.
His creative works are very popular. His voice is mesmerizing and enthralling.
You can treat a musician, singer, composer, poet, ArtemoWitch person and his work in different ways, but his boundless talent and crazy energy charge every performance with positive energy, and leave a lot of unforgettable impressions.
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The singer's repertoire is huge and diverse. Depending on your wishes, the concert program may include:

— as popular, everyone's favorite songs of the 60-80s: How many good girls, I've been dreaming about you for three years, A golden ray of sunshine, a beauty queen, Moscow evenings, The best city on earth, These eyes on the contrary, I'm walking around Moscow, etc.
- jazz compositions Sway, Kiss, I love you baby, Sixteen Tons, Spiderman, etc. And all this in modern and popular treatments.

- So is the concert show of the author 's songs
The concert program can last from 30 minutes. The program includes an enchanting show, lots of pleasant surprises from a professional entertainer, practical jokes, fun and, of course, the unforgettable voice of the singer ArtemoWitch.
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ArtemoWitch - Пусть весь мир подождёт
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ArtemoWitch - Отлично
From profile: Singer and showman ArtemoWitch, genre: поп
ArtemoWitch - Я посылаю...
From profile: Singer and showman ArtemoWitch, genre: поп
ArtemoWitch - Ты хочешь быть моей бейби
From profile: Singer and showman ArtemoWitch, genre: поп
ArtemoWitch - Тебе лучше бежать
From profile: Singer and showman ArtemoWitch, genre: поп
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