Memes - artists of the original genre in Sochi

Memes - artists of the original genre in Sochi
Rating: 81
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Artisty Chilly Show Originalnogo Zhanra
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Cost of services
Average budget: 5000
The cost of services depends on the duration of the order and the location of the venue.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Artists specializing in pantomime. Our images of mimes: Charlie Chaplin style, romantic France, angels, clowns, the style of the restless Gatsby, futuristic sophisticated images, retro style, the Joker and the Card Queen, etc. with guests, raising the degree of general mood. We will bring elements of a circus show to your event (juggling, balancing, mini tricks, dance sketches, acrobatics, etc.). Also in our arsenal there is an hour-long congratulatory animation program in the pantomime style, which takes place like a quest. There are funny dance numbers.
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