Rating: 81
Телефон и email
Posadskaya Svetlana Olegovna
To get a discount 5% say promo code
Cost of services
Average budget: 100 000
Performance of the Cover Band (full composition) - from 130,000 rubles. Performance of the Cover Band (small composition) - from 90,000 rubles Vocalist's performance - from 70,000 rubles
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Igniting your hearts and minds for 8 years!

When you say JUST BAND you mean style, expression and unlimited energy. Only professional musicians and 100% live sound! We have more than 200 songs in our repertoire - all the best russian and foreign rock and pop hits!

Rock-shows, unique fancy-dress perfomances, concerst for your weddings, birthday or office parties - we can do anything you want! And all the emotions, that you'll get during our show, will stay with you forever!

Adrenaline, Drive!
Energy and Love!
You'll get them from us!
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Let's create an individual program for your event.
We play the best of the alternative and classic rock, pop, soul, starting with the creation of the world and today. Our repertoire has all the popular genres and more than 300 songs. If you want a certain song but can't find it in our repertoire, we'll prepare it specifically for you!
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Riders on request
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Link to this page: https://leadbook.ru/en/users/kaver-gruppa-JUST-BAND

Just Band live

We play the best of the alternative and classic rock, pop, soul, starting with the creation of the world and today. Our repertoire has all the popular genres and more than 300 songs. If you want a certain song but can't find it in our repertoire, we'll prepare it specifically for you!

Just Band live

We will turn any event into a cool and memorable event! We have a diverse audience - we perform world hits, retro and modern youth repertoire! We can perform in front of a large audience and on a small corporate party stage.
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