Rating: 83
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"Ilyazhara Bigone"
Cost of services
Average budget: 140 000
Если сравнивать кавер группы с Автомобилями,то мы Mercedes Benz!) Лада,Nissan,Kia не смогут выглядеть солидно и могут подвести. На Ваше событие рекомендуем выбрать цена-качество!
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Do you want to make your holiday unforgettable?
Cover band BIG. ONE know how to do it!

Why do people choose us?
Experience of performing on stage for more than 10 years;
We work for quality;
We can perform anywhere in the world;
Individual approach to everyone;

BIG.ONE has worked with artists such as: Pavel Volya,
Anna Sedokova, Alexey Chumakov and many others.

Style, quality and charisma are what make us unforgettable!

It WON't stop us:
Small scene;
Time of day;

Our goal:
Perform with maximum impact;
Charge people with energy;
Give an unforgettable evening;
BIG. ONE guarantees that the received emotions will stay with you forever!
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BIG ONE BAND Mashup - The Weeknd + Michael Jackson + Justin Timberlake

Our Big / One team is responsible for the health of every person on the planet. We #sit at home and try to brighten up the monotony of days the way we know how best: with music. This format of performance is absolutely new for us, and if you like it, please let us know if we will continue to shoot such videos. Take care of yourself! BigOne.

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