
Rating: 71
Телефон и email
Podluzhnyy Kirill Olegovich
Cost of services
Average budget: 35000
from 30,000 to 35,000 for 1 exit + interactive + photo session - 30 min. from 35,000 to 40,000 for 2 exits + interactive + photo shoot - 2 blocks of 30 minutes each with a change of costumes
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


His presence at your celebration implies the performance of popular hits of the star, interactive with guests, vivid communication and an indelible impression. And also the performance is accompanied by an active photo session and unforgettable special effects.

The artist has an incredible resemblance to Philip Kirkorov and great artistry is a professional actor working in the genre of improvisation. Has extensive experience in performing in the image of Kirkorov: Participation in public events, shooting on TV and clips.

High professionalism, effective presentation and unsurpassed charisma of the artist allows the image of Philip Kirkorov to be as realistic as possible.

He will become the star of your holiday - order for a wedding, anniversary, corporate party or concert!
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1 block of the program (30 minutes + interactive and photo session)
2 blocks of the program (2 to 30 minutes + interactive and photo shoot and 2 costumes)
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Transfer artist, make-up room and accommodation if necessary.
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