Artist singer on holiday

Artist singer on holiday
Rating: 101
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Leyman Oleg
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.



My name is Oleg Leyman and I am a cover artist, presenter, artist, musician and blogger.

Brilliant musical accompaniment for any of your holidays! Live sound and the most famous and popular hits from novelties to exquisite antiques of the stage.

- intelligent, but fun

- every event is like my own holiday for me

- I will not let your guests get bored and I will sing anyone

- I unite generations, support family values and make friendship only stronger

I agree, it sounds big, but it is!

To contact us, write to Telegram:

On mobile +79138283819 or via WhatsApp. And also in community messages. See you soon!
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Artist of cover versions of songs. For a quick connection, write to VK Oleg Leyman:
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