
Rating: 71
Телефон и email
Kaver-gruppa VINOvnye"
Cost of services
Average budget: 60000
The cost does not include transportation costs and technical and household riders.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


A young and bright musical group with fire in their eyes, a cherry on the logo and a unique drive on stage. The repertoire includes youth hits that easily pump any dance floor, and working with the audience during a performance is remembered for a long time.
The soloists create an important atmosphere for all ages of the audience and set the right tone for the party.
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The duration of the branches is discussed at the stage of drawing up the contract. Examples: 3 sections of 30 minutes each; 4 branches for 20 minutes; welcome 30 minutes.
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The materials of the collective can be viewed here (video, photo, repertoire, rider):
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