Nigi Lina singer

Nigi  Lina singer
Rating: 89
Телефон и email
Barbatto Nigi Lina
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Cost of services
Average budget: 30000
ведение мероприятия от 2-х часов 30.000 руб, далее 10.000 /ч блок от 20 минут песен 30.000 руб ,работа с танцорами GO-GO ,40 минут 50.000 работа с кавер группой живой состав от 100.000 руб
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Nigi Lina Barbatto is a professional singer and host specializing in various events such as corporate parties, team building events, weddings and anniversaries.
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Possible blocks of vocal repertoire at the event:

1. Block of original songs (20 minutes): You can perform several original compositions that were created by the performer or songwriter himself.

2. Block of oriental songs (30 minutes): Includes songs performed on traditional oriental instruments or in the style of oriental music.

3. Block of folk songs (40 minutes): You can present a variety of folk songs from different countries and cultures, the performance of which will suit the atmosphere of the event.

4. Block of Russian hits of the 90s-00s (1 hour): Presentation of popular Russian-language songs from the 90s and 2000s, which are well known to the younger generation and evoke nostalgia among the older generation.

In addition, you can add various interactive games and competitions to the program for event participants to diversify the program, interact with the audience and create a fun atmosphere.
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Rider — Nigi Lina Barbatto
Technical and Household Rider
for the successful performance of singer Nigi Lina with a solo program

Please note that if any point of this rider cannot be fulfilled, detailed approval from the concert director, Ksenia, is mandatory: +79645912112

Plane: 2 (two) business class tickets
Car: 1 (one) business class foreign car (not older than 2020) • Driver must not smoke in the car! • Luggage space is mandatory.

5-star or 4-star hotel, 2 luxury rooms or higher.
All rooms should include: bottled drinking water, hot water for green tea, phone, television, refrigerator. If the room temperature falls below 18°C, a heater is required. In summer, air conditioning and a fan are necessary.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Dressing Room
Curtains (blinds) on windows. Table, full-length mirror, good lighting, clean towels, napkins, hot tea (green and black), brewed coffee, still mineral water, fruits, honey, sandwiches.
Dressing rooms should be warm. If the temperature in the dressing rooms falls below 20°C, heaters capable of maintaining the normal temperature are mandatory. In summer, air conditioning and a fan are required.

Sound Equipment Requirements
Quality and technically sound equipment from well-known world manufacturers must be provided for the concert. The required power of the acoustic system should be calculated at 10 kW per 1000 audience members:
Night club (up to 200 people): The power depends on the size of the venue but should not be less than 2.5 kW.
Concert hall, community center, club (more than 200 seats): The required power should be calculated at 4 watts per 1 square meter.
Open-air locations (stadium, square, etc.) for large-scale events (festivals, city celebrations, etc.) with a large expected audience should have a power supply of at least 50 kW.
A minimum of a 4-channel console is required. Sound processing with tempo-delay, hall, and vocal compressor is necessary. The presence of a professional sound engineer and technician from the concert organizers' side is needed. Microphones: 1 wireless microphone (Shure Beta58). Microphone stand (telescopic and on a round base is preferable).
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