
Rating: 79
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Beletskaya Mila
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Average budget: 500 000
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Milen (Vyacheslav Kozlov) is a musician, a composer, an arranger and a singer. He writes songs both for his own performance and for Russian stars like Yury Shatunov, Viktor Korolev etc. Charisma, charm, fascination, beauty, heartfulness and gaiety are the features of the singer. He perfectly wields his velvet voice when singing lyrical songs touching upon the souls of the listeners and joyful dance hits. More than 600 songs were recorded during his career that have been rotating at a lot of radio stations. 5 videos were shot.He is the author and singer of such hits as "Thin ice", "It was raining", "Drunken love", etc. Milen could be the ornament to your event. He will perform only the best for you.
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1. The girl from Caucasus
2. I loved you
3. The ripe berry
4. Belgorod girl
5. I don't care
6. The cold wind
7. In chocolate
8. Read in the eyes
9. One time only
10. Let me go
11. Hard to love
12. Cheap love
13. The short night
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Videos not found

Milen - Один лишь раз
From profile: Milen, genre: поп
Milen - Прочитай в глазах
From profile: Milen, genre: поп
Milen - Холодный ветер
From profile: Milen, genre: поп
Milen - Ягода спелая
From profile: Milen, genre: поп
Milen - Белгородка
From profile: Milen, genre: поп

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