Cover band Legenda

Cover band Legenda
Rating: 85
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Kaver-gruppa LEGENDA
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Cost of services
Average budget: 70000
The price includes: Performance, transfer, costumes, sound engineer (setting up the band), installation and setup of sound equipment, back-line (instruments, personal monitoring, switching), transportation for transporting equipment.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


The group “Legenda” is a Russian musical group from the city of Kazan, founded in 2019, which became famous for its energetic, driving performances. The group actively tours the cities of Russia, winning the hearts of listeners at various concerts, stadiums, Eurasian forums, festivals, weddings and corporate events.
The golden voice of the Legenda group is Yana Gerkina, a unique opera and pop artist. A bright, charming girl with an amazing timbre of her voice. Yana has an extensive repertoire of different musical genres and styles from the 70s to the most modern hits in Russian, Tatar, English, Italian, Spanish and other languages ​​of the world! The group's vibrant dance and costume musical show is a performance for all ages and generations. Competent programming, high-quality sound and courage in behavior are the key to an atmosphere of delight and celebration. More than 10 images for your choice and they change every group outing. Yana is a professional singer, performer, sound producer, musician, artist, teacher. Has experience in improvisation, acting, stage speech, choreographic training, experience in filming television programs and advertisements. It is not surprising that she is always a welcome guest at corporate events, weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations.
The Legenda group can take on the “technical issue” and provide turnkey professional audio equipment. Backline (instruments, switching, etc.), frontline (speakers, satellites, subwoofers), sound engineer services (installation and configuration of audio equipment).
Any convenient payment option for you: cash and bank transfer, with all closing documents.
You can order the “Legenda” group for your holiday, and be sure that the celebration will be at its best.
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The group's vibrant dance and costume musical show is a performance for all ages and peoples.
More than 10 images for your choice and change them for each group outing.
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High quality 3-4 way speaker system. Recommended acoustic kits from the following manufacturers: d&b, L’Acoustic, McCauley, Cadenbach, Meyer Sound, Martin Audio, etc.
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