Adamant String Quartet

Adamant String Quartet
Rating: 69
Телефон и email
Konovalova Svetlana Yurevna
Cost of services
Average budget: 12000
The cost of a performance, lasting no more than 1 hour, within the city of Bryansk, in the period from 10:00 to 21:00 - from 12,000 rubles. The cost of a performance lasting more than 1 hour, or outside the city of Bryansk, as well as after 21:00, please specify by phone.
* Photos, videos, audio recordings, personal information of the user are his intellectual property.


Musical decoration of weddings, field registrations, anniversaries and birthdays, banquets and corporate parties, presentations and other festive events – all this will be presented with taste and skill by the Adamant string quartet.
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The artists of the quartet - professional musicians, soloists of the Bryansk orchestras - will perform both light background music and a concert program. Thanks to the rich repertoire, which includes classical music of different styles and eras, jazz compositions, music from movies, original arrangements of popular melodies, the performance of the Adamant string quartet will match the style and mood of your event.
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We work in Bryansk, by agreement it is possible to travel to other cities.

Some details of the organization of our performance:
- We arrive at the event venue 40-60 minutes before the start;
- Preferably a room for dressing up and acting out;
- Cash payment is made upon arrival, before the start of the event. Prepayment of 25% to fix the date of the performance. In case of cancellation of the performance, which occurred through no fault of the team, the prepayment is not refunded.
- For the performance we will need 4 chairs without armrests;
- If you need to sound a large room, you will need a mixing console and speakers;
- Even with a confirmed reservation, we will call you a day before the event;

Outdoor work:
- we play academic instruments made of wood, which do not tolerate rain and scorching sun (in this case, tents, awnings, etc. are needed);
- the temperature is at least 18 degrees.
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